(I think I win Lamest-Title-of-the-Year Award.)

Where do I begin?
School finished and I hit the ground running. But that sounds too harsh. See, after school it was more like a voluntary, happy busyness that I would gladly take any day. I did indeed welcome Summer with open arms. And full luggage. I packed my bags and headed to Dayton, Tennessee for a full week at Fort Bluff for TeenPact National Convention 2010! The fact that I woke up bright and early at 5:00 that morning and traveled for 7 and a half hours was no comparison to the wonderful time I had last week. First of all, it seems like it was much longer than a week ago. So much has happened since then. But then again, it seems like it were only yesterday that I was meeting my cabin mates, trying to get what they like to call "food" down my throat without gagging it up first, playing lots of ultimate frisbee, getting to know my amazing small group, meeting new friends and spending time with old ones.
{Charity and I - she's pretty much amazing, I'll tell you that.}
This was the voting line, and only for those with last names beginning with A-M, mind you. There were over 500 people, so the line was not exactly short nor was it quick. It was open for over 2 hours. At the voting booth (which was several mac books lined up in a row), I selected 6 representatives, 4 senators, and 1 president & vice president. But I did get a chance to vote, and the "I voted" sticker (which will stay stuck on the backside of my cellular device until it loses all of its stickiness and falls right off) made it all worthwhile in the end.

Watching the sunrise at the Bluff was definitely one of the highlights of my week. Me and 3 other girls from my cabin (and a supervisor, of course) walked down at 6:00 in the morning in sweatpants, jackets, and slippers, while I wore my blanket over my clothes (it was pretty cozy, let me tell you). It was simply breathtaking and such a glorious display of God's creation, His power, His sovereignty, and also His goodness and infinite kindness to give us such a display.
Me, Abi, and
Lindsay - I love these girls!
Frisbee, of course! (Another highlight of my week. :)
Election night was intense to say the least. We were rooting for Reggie & Mary Beth and they had the lead until Clayton & Molly got two big states, which put them in the lead. Needless to say, Clayton & Molly became our 2010 President and Vice President. And don't get me wrong, they're pretty darn awesome as well.
It was the Red Hot Chili Peppers (my team) v. Bee's Knees in the championship game. That night was pretty cool. The fog was as thick as any I've ever seen. If you were standing at one end of the field, you could only faintly see the outline of the players at the other end. It was an exciting game, but in the end we won 6:2... I think.
On the way home, Katie (who I hadn't seen in 6 months!) picked me up half-way!! It was so great to see her!