Lord, I was blind! I could not see
In Thy marred visage any grace;
But now the beauty of Thy face
In radiant vision draws on me.
Lord, I was deaf! I could not hear
The thrilling music of Thy voice;
But now I hear Thee and rejoice,
And all Thine uttered words are dear.
Lord, I was dumb! I could not speak
The grace and glory of Thy Name;
But now, as touched with living flame,
My lips Thine eager praises wake.
Lord, I was dead! I could not stir
My lifeless soul to come to Thee;
But now, since Thou hast quickened me,
I rise from sin's dark sepluchre.
Lord, Thou hast made the blind to see,
The deaf to hear, the dumb to speak,
The dead to live; and lo, I break
The chains of my captivity!
-William Tidd Matson
-William Tidd Matson
a happy song for a happy day
Because I just drove. By myself. For the first time ever.
It was quiet and peaceful and I had time to just. . .think. Time that I don't get a whole lot at home with two younger (and often crazy) younger siblings, not to mention three unruly dogs.
But I had one of my first whiffs of freedom, which I could easily neglect and take advantage of or use wisely. . .and drive safe. ;)
[And trust me, I do. Like a grandmother, actually. Just ask the car on my tail.]
no one likes goodbyes. or homework. these are just facts of life.
Hello, Junior year.
Also, I'm getting the birthday blues. My birthday ends and school begins. All in one day. Talk about depressing.
Second star to the right, and then straight on till morning.
Why must things change? Why must we grow up? I refuse to. I shall go find Peter Pan and happy Neverland.
the summer wind
. . .Came blowin' in from across the sea.
Where did it go? One vile word has swallowed it up.
School. This six-letter word has caused child and adolescent alike to tremble and has brought fear into the face of even the bravest and most fearless of youth.
Yes, it's that time of year again. Summer 2010 comes to an abrupt end and I look back on so many wonderful memories, crazy doings, and exciting happenings:
(It sounded much less cheesy in my head, I promise.)
Like the time I attempted to throw a welcome home party for siblings who had been away and spread out from Virginia as far as Florence, Italy. Throwing surprise parties is not the easiest thing in the world to do, by the way. There's a lot more involved than what appears from a distance. But that's another story for another time.
Anyway, we ate buckets of ice cream flavored with mouth-savoring toppings, played an intense game of spoons in the dark on the lawn, talked, laughed, shared stories on our back porch. It was lovely.
Or the time Anna, Colleen, and I had tea and sandwiches on my back porch while decked out in dresses (for dress day, of course). Also included on this fine day was: Chopin, sunshine, hydrangeas, laughter, china, zip lines, good conversations, etc.
Camp Moriah. Hot, fun, great friends, frisbee, volleyball, canoeing, the bonfire, making bracelets from Ugandan beads with the best girls' group ever, and more frisbee. Did I mention it was hot? I stayed in a tent with the lovely Meg while we stayed up way past lights out (this is the brilliance & beauty of not staying in the girl's cabin, my friend), laughed, and talked about anything and everything.
[I realize I can't post all the pictures I'd like to, so you can see the rest in my Camp album.]
Santa Fe, New Mexico. Beautiful. Cool (temperature wise). A 17-hour drive with a car full of kids, a hobbit house, hiking in the mountains, picnicking, shopping at the Plaza, Taos, exploring ancient ruins and climbing up 140 ft. on the side of a mountain on rickety old ladders (this was my favorite part of the week by far, I can assure you), reading on the back porch in the cool of the morning, white water rafting, and some family fellowship.
Adventures. Like finding pretty old houses on Endville road, exploring it and climbing into the old barn and up an ancient wooden ladder onto the second story. (We also had a lovely photographer name C-haad. Need one? I highly recommend you give her a ring.)

Saying goodbye to and moving out dear friends as they leave you for stinkin' North Carolina. I love you, Ande. And miss you buckets. (Does that even make sense?)
-trips to Sonic (to which we somehow managed to time just right enough to miss happy hour about every single time -- cause we're that awesome).
-outdoor treks through the woods
-bike rides
-afternoon swims
-laying out while reading Mitford in the backyard
-Thursday night frisbee
-birthdays and parties
-lovely weddings
-soccer tournaments in the hottest heat in MS in. . .1,000 years (pretty much)
-sketching and painting to my heart's desire
-visiting Crampton Farm for the Fourth
-the church meeting in Memphis where I stayed with my delightful little family
-late-night slumber parties with good friends
-sleeping in
-and happy birthday to Anna and Ande; I've been running around like a chicken with his head cut off trying to make/buy/get/wrap/beautify your birthday specials. 'Cause I love you that much.
-Disney sing-along with the girls
-ladies' Bible study on Romans 6
-good friends and wonderful memories.
What were your Summer highlights? And, yes, I realize you must be much more brief than I. Sorry about this, but I pretty much tried to kill 10 birds with one post.
*NOTA BENE: No birds were harmed in the making of this post.
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