
Dear Best Friend,

When did this happen? I guess it's strange to think of you as an "adult." Not really because you don't act like one, but because you've always been so mature. Mature, but not incapable of being silly and fun. (See picture.) :) Basically, you're just perfect the way you are. But now it's official. Eighteen years old.

Dear Katie, I wish you the happiest of birthdays and the wonderful, comforting sweetness of God's Presence throughout your eighteenth year. May you draw ever nearer to our sweet Savior, Jesus Christ!

Happy birthday, Katie Larissa! 

Needless to say, but still I must say it, for it cannot be said too often: I love you, sweet friend. So very much.


this picture makes me happy.

This girl is lovely. Hopefully I'll post more pictures soon, but this week and next I'll be busy campaigning/phone banking/doing whatever needs to be done for Senator Alan Nunnelee! And also doing homework and what-not. . .and seeing Wicked! So excited!

Eventually, I will post all the things I've been meaning to. Until then, I will be living life instead of blogging about it.


So. . .

I'm sitting here on the computer (obviously), staring at a blank page. So many things floating around just waiting to be captured, written, put into words. I want to write, but nothing comes. I'm starved for inspiration, for an idea. Usually it's quite the opposite, you see. I have an idea, but I'm too lazy to carry it to fruition.

So, yeah, if you haven't already, feel free to stop reading now.

Aaaand, if you're planning to shake things up, change your background, title, header, fonts, or like me, everything - then you better make sure you have loads of  spare time on your hands. Yeah, quick and easy it is not.

But I believe it was well worth it. Fall, and especially October, makes my heart skip a beat. So why not use it as a theme on here? Hope it makes you as happy as it does me!



He was gone. Her best friend.

Only the memories remained. She was 19, he was 21 when they first fell in love. He was in the army, she was a nurse. He was tall and dark and handsome, she had big, blue eyes full of hope and dreams that twinkled when she laughed. They were crazy about each other. They were married that year, and only grew happier with every passing day. Together, they had had three children, who grew, married, and had children of their own, who in turn, raised families of their own.
Together they had shared the happiest years of their lives. They had shared laughter and joys, tears and sorrows, trials and tribulations. They had seen so much, experienced so much.

They had grown old together.

Now, he was gone. After seventy sweet years of marital bliss, he had gone ahead of her. He was now somewhere between this world and the next, or perhaps his soul only slept until the coming of the Judge at the end of the age.

The room was cold. The white sunbeams glittered on the walls through the small crack in the shutters. The bed was made, the sheets pulled up. He would lie there no more. No longer would she see that sweet smile or hear his silvery laughter travel through the little white house. She would, she must, live out the rest of her days alone.

What would she do? How could she face this world without him who had so long been her comforter?

The shutters creaked as she pulled them open. She looked out through the dusty windowpane, out over the field and watched as the tall grass gently swayed in the October breeze. The world seemed empty now.

He was gone, yet still there. Through her tears, she smiled. There was still hope. He had gone ahead of her, but she could rejoice. For he was face to face with One far greater than he or she. Someone worth living for. Worth dying for. She would be happy.

She would wait.


"All that remains for me
Is but to love and sing,
And wait until the angels come
To bear me to the King."