I'm currently listening to the Little Women soundtrack, which makes me feel all happy and nostalgic inside. I'm sitting at the computer. (Obviously.) I've been typing up a couple of papers, and trying to catch up from last week's absences. Last week, I flew to Oklahoma, saw old friends, met new friends, learned a lot, and had an all-around wonderful time. (Which I hope to post about soon...ish, but it will require more thought and effort, since I'd like to include pictures and whatnot.)
Life. It moves at an incredible rate. I still can't believe February is just around the corner.
Fast forward. One day later.
I've been thinking about my own ingratitude. I had to stop and make a list.
-I wrote a paper on God's love this week. (This is why I love my classical, Christian education.)
-I took my one Latin student to GiGi's for class today. It was very educational. Trust me.
-I have a car. (Granted, she's not in mint condition at the moment. But I'm working on that.)
-I'm taught from the Word and blessed with the fellowship of godly believers at Christ Church.
-I've had the privilege of attending the filming of the Behold Your God talks given by my pastor for about a week and a half.
-I have the best family in the whole wide world. (No, really.) -I serve a faithful, kind, almighty, loving, holy God. I am His, and He is mine!
Sometimes I forget these things. Sometimes I focus on all the little
things that don't go according to my plan. But He knows far better than I
do. He is faithful. Give me a grateful heart that takes nothing for
granted, O Lord.