
Dear Best Friend,

When did this happen? I guess it's strange to think of you as an "adult." Not really because you don't act like one, but because you've always been so mature. Mature, but not incapable of being silly and fun. (See picture.) :) Basically, you're just perfect the way you are. But now it's official. Eighteen years old.

Dear Katie, I wish you the happiest of birthdays and the wonderful, comforting sweetness of God's Presence throughout your eighteenth year. May you draw ever nearer to our sweet Savior, Jesus Christ!

Happy birthday, Katie Larissa! 

Needless to say, but still I must say it, for it cannot be said too often: I love you, sweet friend. So very much.

1 comment:

  1. Ahem. ::chokes up a bit::

    Thanks m'dear. In case you didn't already know it, I love you quite a bit too.


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