
Goodbye, Facebook.

It has eaten my time and my productivity, pretty much.
But I need to get a lot done during these last few weeks of school, including my 40-hour project, prepare for my final, and do a lot of reading. So I'm logging off of Facebook until school is out. ONLY 3 MORE WEEKS UNTIL SUMMER!!! WOO-HOO!
But who's counting? Not me. Nope. Hasn't even crossed my mind.


Counting the cost.

This was written by a young single mother and lover of Christ who is raising 14 children (all of them adopted) in Uganda while caring for and spreading the gospel to others. Go here.

"I wonder today if I had been one of the people listening to Jesus as He spoke in Luke 9 and 14, if Jesus would have convinced me to follow Him or if I would have walked away. I believe I would have really really wanted to say goodbye to my family. I wonder about “Christians” today. We wear Jesus on our T-shirts, we wear His cross around our neck and a bumper sticker with His name on it on our car. Have we just laid the foundation without being able to build the building? Does Jesus feel like I did when a woman I didn’t know told me she would love to do what I do but I knew that she never would? Do we claim the precious name of Jesus Christ without counting the cost? Without being willing to REALLY give it all? And does Jesus, in His infinite grace, look at us and say, “Aw, that’s nice,” but really with the fury that he flipped over the tables in the temple want to spit our lukewarm selves out of His mouth? ...The way we are living is not tolerable. How can we live in willful disobedience and claim to know Jesus Christ? I do not claim to have the answers. I do not claim to be doing it right. I do claim to believe that the words of Jesus are absolutely true and apply to me, right now today. I want to give EVERYTHING, no matter the cost. NO MATTER THE COST. Because I believe that nothing is sacrifice in light of eternity with Christ."


Oh, Tuesday.

After much thought and consideration, I've decided that my next cow shall be called Mistress Moolly.

Of course I am aware that to have my "next" cow, there must also be a first. Even so, my second imaginary non-existent future cow already has an imaginary non-existent name.


So much to do, so little time.

Thesis paper first draft due Friday.
BIG opportunity to take Friday.
I'm tired.
It's late.
Yet, I'm on blogspot.

I'm going to think happy thoughts. Summer is only 5 weeks away.
Lemonade, flowers, sunshine, barefeet, sunglasses, swimming, bike riding, reading, picnics, frisbee, friends, flip flops.
My mouth is watering.



Yesterday I was reading outside on the back porch. The weather was perfect, but the sky looked something like this...
It was as if the black, menacing clouds wanted to conquer the bright, blue sky. Or perhaps it was the other way around...
In the end, the blue sky was victorious. The angry clouds scurried East (I think), the sun shone much brighter than before, and the birds came out once again and sang their happy tune. It turned out to be another lovely Spring day after all.

Happy Easter

Painted eggs, friends, lots of chocolate, Easter egg hunting (one is never too old for such things, you know), front yard soccer games, (World Cup version), Disney sing-alongs, and good ol' times with family. :)
This year we painted monster eggs. They were lots of fun to make and incidentally, had nothing at all to do with Easter. Why it was an Easter egg painting kit, I don't know. Ask someone who does.


Soccer. Is. Exhausting.

And we had to do hill work. I thought I was done with that...

Pretty much soccer is cross country PLUS more work. Phooey.


Psalm 113: 4-9

"The LORD is high above all nations, His glory is above the heavens. Who is like the LORD our God, who dwells on high, who humbles Himself to behold the things that are in the heavens and the earth? He raises the poor out of the dust, and lifts the needy out of the ash heap, that He may seat him with princes- with the princes of His people. He grants the barren woman a home, like a joyful mother of children.

Praise the LORD!"


Happy day.

The sun is shining, my window's open, birds are singing, Frank Sinatra's playing. Ahh. Spring.

A nice, long bike ride and reading Anne of Ingleside were simply perfect ways to top off this lovely day.