
Some random and completely unrelated thoughts.

I live next door to a U.S. Congressman. This makes me famous.

Toy Story 3. Watch and weep. For real.

Synecdohes are my favorite figures of speech.

I'm listenin' to my Christmas music. Thank you, Caroline, for the lovely vintage Christmas playlist. Who cares about the after Thanksgiving rule? Besides, they're already decorating with lights and trees all throughout the mall and outlet stores. . .and basically everywhere else. So, I know we haven't even had Thanksgiving but 1) who wants to decorate with turkeys and pioneer people? That doesn't make me want to buy anything. Sorry. 2) Christmas decor transforms ordinary shops into magical places. Makes you feel happy. And buy more - which is a brilliant marketing strategy, just not so great for us consumers. Well, the heck with the After Thanksgiving Rule. It's a free country.

As you may have already figured out, I kind of love messing around with this blog and changing little things a lot. Well, I just went through one of those phases today. Check out the pages! (Which would mean the 'home,' 'de moi,' etc. buttons, for you "technologically challenged" readers. ;) I also added links to some awesome blogs - check them out!

Why is it so cold? What happened to Fall?

I have to wear make up every day this week. Way too much effort.

You may have already, unlike me, jumped on the Pioneer Bandwagon, but if not, check out Confessions of a Pioneer Woman. She never fails to crack me up. The woman is hilarious. Now I'm gonna lose hours of my life flipping through page after page.


  1. 1. agreed on toy story 3
    2. agreed on fall
    3. what the heck are synecdohes?
    4. why do you have to wear makeup every day this week?
    5. tell me how you did your pages. and posts past.

  2. Toy Story 3....:D I like that movie. It is NOT cold in Hickory Flat. I'm burning up!

    The H

  3. Hello dearest.

    I am totally with you on Toy Story 3. LOVE IT. but it makes me cry every time ;)
    you basically read my mind talking about christmas music and decorations. just the thought of christmas coming up soon gives me chillbumps. :)

  4. Toy Story 3: What can I say? "I laughed, I cried... It moved me, Bob." - LTC


Just do it. It will make my day.