
I dreamed a dream

Today I heard the happy tune of the robin, reminding me of sweet Summer days spent frolicking through the woods, whistling across the way, of picnics in the warm noon sun, the delishness of the first ice cold lemonade, of flip flops, and gay laughter echoing through the trees. Hopeful of those days, I looked outside. The birds were only mocking, teasing with their happy tune, for through the window, I only saw an ugly grey, gloomy sky reminding me of the cold and all too-true reality of this February winter. This unwelcome, unwanted February winter.
For now, I must be content to hold tightly to the dream - the dream of the Warm Summer awaiting us somewhere beyond the cold, beyond the dreary, beyond the lackluster Wintry day of today.


  1. "ugly, grey, gloomy sky"?! ARE YOU CA-RAZY??? It was gorgeous out there!! All the clouds! But Summer is beautiful! :D

  2. Yeah, I'm tired of this grey empty slate of nothingness overhead that spews snow. Ready for Summer!

  3. Haha! I was daydreaming about the same thing just this morning! :P

  4. yessssss...
    Actually, we had a lovely day today in Memphis. It was quite sunny and pleasant.

    But maybe I shouldn't have told you that...


Just do it. It will make my day.