
Chickasaw Trails

The Spartans ran through the Chickasaw trails today. The weather was really perfect (until the rain REALLY came down and the lightening struck, but that was later) -- a light misty rain -- and we ran through the shaded trails, so it stayed nice and cool. It almost reminded me of a rain forest. Almost.

As I ran through this "rain forest", I was struck by the beauty of God's creation. He made all of that and He controls the rain and the clouds. This marvelous God -- the God who created all things, who knows every star by name, who made the sun and the moon -- this God is my God. What an amazing God we serve! My God who knows all things has stooped to not only know me but my God loves me. He has died for my sins. He ALONE deserves my love, my attention, my every thought, my every breath. Oh that I could love Him more! He has given me life, can I not now live this life solely for Him? Corinthians 5:15 (I won't write this out because it's in my 'About Me' section, so you can read it there...and, if you don't know it you could always learn it :)


  1. I'm glad you could enjoy beauty of any kind while running. The only beauty I could enjoy was the stopping point and the water bottle beyond. :)

    Yes, I know exactly what you mean. I think it's really good of God to give us nature as an encouragement to worship Him.


Just do it. It will make my day.