
This is just about the cutest movie.
Ever. Period.

It's also super sweet.
Seriously. Now go watch it.


  1. I LOVE that movie! I watched it for the first time last night. We missed you today!!! I wish ya'll could have been there =(

  2. I will. And I did. In 3D. Twice. Ha.
    AWWE! pic three is from like the saddest part in the film.

  3. Julie, I know! It's such a great movie! I wish we could have been there too! I hope you all had lots of fun! :)

    Jacob, I think that part could have easily tied with the others sad parts. Like when Ellen dies, for instance!

  4. I've seen that movie! I love it!!!

  5. I cried (ok, I always cry every time I watch it) during the first ten minutes or so...and then some after, like near the end. It's so sad...and cool. Maybe we can chat about it in person. :) Again, have a great week in TN!


Just do it. It will make my day.