
A quick glance at the Crampton Crew and all their quirks

In case you don't know the Clampetts Cramptons:

Dad: How old is he again?, "The Great Melvini" (don't ask); when he's not in the court room, he's constantly researching various conspiracy theories (particularly 9/11 and the J.F.K. assassination), playing Text Twist, speaking of writing a non-fictional book but about what remains a mystery, or playing volleyball. Brilliant, funny, has a thing for cheesy puns and has many, many stories from his childhood/early adulthood (just ask him about it. I'm sure he'd like that). He lives for Christ, is a wonderful example of the way a true Christian ought to live and speaks for those who cannot speak for themselves.

Mom: 29 (forever), "Concha"; juggles cooking, cleaning, and doing laundry for 6 kids, homeschooling, driving kids to cross country, soccer, and softball, teaching two classes at Excelsior, and working at home as a tax preparer. Master of the art of bargain-hunting. When she's not doing all that she enjoys reading, relaxing, napping, and gravely reminding us that "Lawyers should never marry other lawyers because it only makes for more lawyers and idiot children."

Joseph: 22, "Joey" or "Steve Jo" at Liberty; loves reading and making lots of reading lists of books he has yet to get around to read. Has a passion for music; formerly played the trumpet and enjoys messing around on his guitar and occasionally playing around on the piano. Currently a student at Liberty University. Don't be offended if you introduce yourself (once, twice, or even ten times) and he forgets your name 5 minutes later. Happens all the time. Trust me. Maybe he'll get it on the 17th time.

Katie: 21, "Bessie #1"; the artist; Manager at Etta B Pottery, enjoys painting, drawing, reading, photography, traveling, puzzles, and kids. Has a strange obsession with Napoleon Bonaparte. With Katie, everything must have a  name, a name of its own. Like her car for instance, which is called Violetta, or her pillow, Rosemary. For her, it's a hobby. Don't ever compete with her in a battle of 'Who's the most knowledgeable in obscure grammar rules?' She'll win.

Jamie: 18, "Jim Bob"; sort of effortlessly brilliant and super talented with a frisbee. Currently learning Greek. Has a fascination for Welsh revivalism. Has traveled to Ethiopia with a missionary friend and visited Wales with our pastor. When he's not working as an Elder Script "delivery boy," he'll most likely have his head in a book. His great love for Christ and concern for the spread of the Gospel are so clearly evident through his life and all that he does.

Kelley: 11, "Goosie"; our tries-very-hard-to-be-a-tom-boy-but-still-has-that-element-of-girlishness-in-her girl. Plays softball, soccer, and runs cross country. She loves to laugh. She and Jonathan are best friends; always playing together, making strange concoctions, getting into trouble, building tents with virtually every sheet, pillow, and blanket in the house, and running, or riding bikes, scooters, ripstiks, or whatever else they can find up and down, back and forth, over and again all throughout the neighborhood.

Jonathan: 8 (soon to be 9! Yikes!), "Jon Jon"; a crazy, soccer-playing, silly, wild, energetic, yet sweet, loving, cuddly goofball. Make sure you are nowhere near him when he's with Andrew, because there's sure to be some kind of explosion. Andrew and Jonathan are two peas in a pod, best friends, wrecking havoc side by side. He recently wrote a book entitled The Life of a Parrot. It's soon to be a New York Times best seller, I'm sure.


  1. I'm completely disillusioned. I had always thought that Katie was Betsie #2.
    And just so you know, whenever someone examines the front of our refridgerator, I point towards the Cramptons and say, (That's on eof the collest families ever.
    What's with the pic of Jonathan?

  2. Nope, she is and always will be Bessie #1.

    Jonathan was covered in shaving cream (during our annual Spartan shaving cream fight).

  3. lol!!
    We had Andrew and Jonathan over for Neo's birthday. The streamers didn't last long :)

    Hannah Brandon

  4. the life of a parrot. awesome. i want a copy.

  5. Yeah, you do. And, his name is Paul. Which makes it even more awesome.

  6. Sweet post!

  7. You weren't a bit hard on your eldest sibling, were you? :P Neat post.


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