Well the Personhood deadline is fast approaching; the dark cloud is beginning to overshadow us, or the dawn is gloriously nearing the horizon, depending on who you talk to. Please keep Personhood Mississippi in your prayers!
Well, I've been thinking (uh-oh, that can't be good). It's easy to look at abortion passively, while stile agreeing that it's bad. As if there's just nothing we can do about it, it's just not in our power, I'm not a difference-maker, etc. You can make a difference! (Please excuse for sounding like some wacko green tree-hugger.) Back to the point. Think about this: at this very second, innocent babies, who have no say in their own life, are being cruelly and brutally slaughtered because their own mothers don't want them or 'can't deal' with them right now or just 'don't have the money' (um, hello ladies, do you think abortions cost llamas or something? No, they do indeed cost money). But we can do something about this! We can help join this movement, petition, and we can pray.
Unfortunately, even many churches are afraid to get involved (or just joined up when it's gotten a bit more popular and the deadline is nearly up). I suppose this is because they're concerned for their reputation or they think it's a bit risky or they don't want to lose any of their pro-abortionist members, I don't know exactly. But, let me ask you this; as Christians are we not called to live in this and world not of it? Countless churches think they can spread the gospel and change the world by looking just like it, but the world ends up changing them.
Abortionists say these babies in the womb are not babies at all. In fact, abortion clinics ban employees from calling the fetus a "baby", lest the mother makes that connection, lest they realize that this is, in fact, a baby inside of them! The clinics are afraid they might recognize this and thus might not go through with the abortion (which would also mean the clinic might not make some money). To the abortionist that baby is just "a clump of cells". This baby becomes a baby or a person at fertilization, not at birth. This is what Personhood is trying to do, "to define personhood as beginning at fertilization...to protect all life, regardless of age, health, function, physical or mental dependency, or method of reproduction."
Amendment XIV, section I of the Constitution states, "No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities if citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive a person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." The fetus is, indeed, a person. It's a person just as much as you or I. If these unalienable rights do not cohere for a child in the womb, why should they cohere for us? Noah Webster said a person is "an individual human being consisting of body and soul." A fetus (beginning at fertilization) is an individual human being consisting of body and soul, is it not? A fetus is a person.
(this is Olivia)
ReplyDeleteLOL about "Excuse me for sounding like some green, wacko tree hugger..." HAHAHA. It is so intertaining to read your post. I am still laughing... But seriously, you did make your point.
It's sick, ain't it? You know you live in a depraved age when you have to restate the obvious. That a person is a person.
ReplyDeleteThat is so very true.
ReplyDeleteRight on Courtney! These Liberals are crazy!
ReplyDeleteThank you