
Dear November,

Thanks for a wonderful week at Katie's.

1. Katie's lovely home.
2. Chair-painting.
3. Drawing outside on the lawn.
4. My buddy, Isaiah posing in his sparkly purple hat.

You brought cold weather, golden trees, and fallen leaves. And you look so pretty and inviting. So I guess I can forgive you for swallowing up October.


  1. you fixed it! Although now it covers part of the pics... which I like, by the way. the pics. not the covered part.

  2. I'm very glad that it swallowed up October, cause that means it's closer to THANKSGIVING!!!
    Those pics are lovely. Fully intense. :)

    the H

  3. I like that you posted a picture of my back. You're a good friend.

    (and i'm not being sarcastic, just for the record. a true friend is one who doesn't post face pictures unless they're absolutely STUNNING.)


Just do it. It will make my day.