
This is the part where I tell you about my Christmas. Just like everybody else.

How original.

(This is assuming you actually care. If not, you can stop reading now.)

(Or now.)

(Now would be good.)

For those who do care, Christmas morning went something like this: My little brother was up and pacing the hallway at precisely 6:20 A.M. on Christmas day. Just waiting. He had to wait. He knew no one can go downstairs until at least 7:00 A.M. It's a rule. Always has been. Always will be. It's funny how that rule used to torture me and now I could go for a little more sleep on Christmas morning. Funny how things change.

But I woke up soon enough. Just to humor myself since I had heard so much talk about the chance of snow, I looked out my window.

I saw this:

Okay, okay. So it actually looked something more like this:

Which was a welcome sight on Christmas morning to a Mississippi girl!
My reaction went something along these lines: "A white Christmas! In Mississippi! It's a Christmas miracle! I think all my dreams just came true."

So, it was around six in the morning, I was tired and a tad bit delirious. But it was awesome! When I showed my sister the snow, she literally jumped up and down on the bed.

My sister's 22.

We all were pretty ecstatic and immediately turned this on, just to really characterize and dramatize the special moment.

This quickly became the theme song of Christmas 2010. (Except we didn't even have to dream!)

Christmas morning and a gimplse at the "Christmas Spider web."

Christmas afternoon/evening is usually a let-down. Every year, we have our Christmas dinner on Christmas eve and on Christmas day, after all of our morning activities, we have an annual brunch at our house with different families from around here. So afterward things are usually slow and boring. But this year, we ate chips and dip and some sandwiches and lounged around in our pj's watching Wives and Daughters. Good movie. Good time. I love my family. I love Christmastime.

I think I can safely say this was the best Christmas ever.


  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfrhFkz0hrs

    a chrithmath miracle!

  2. Ooh wow!!! Aweome post Courtney! I wish I could have seen the snow!


Just do it. It will make my day.