
Goodbye, Facebook.

It has eaten my time and my productivity, pretty much.
But I need to get a lot done during these last few weeks of school, including my 40-hour project, prepare for my final, and do a lot of reading. So I'm logging off of Facebook until school is out. ONLY 3 MORE WEEKS UNTIL SUMMER!!! WOO-HOO!
But who's counting? Not me. Nope. Hasn't even crossed my mind.


  1. wow. that's...inspiring. can i copy you?

  2. I still don't think you'll make it without facebook until the very last day of school.


  3. Kelley: wanna bet? ;)

  4. AnonymousMay 21, 2010

    well, I suppose since school is out now, you will get back on facebook, of course?
    oh! facebook! it is as a mouse trap bedecked with cheese! and we are as mice!

    the H


Just do it. It will make my day.