
Every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings.

It still hasn't quite hit me yet that school is out for 2010. I guess it's because I still have "THE test" to take.

These past few weeks have been draining. Physically and mentally. It's over now. So, yay.

It's Christmas time and I'm (basically) out of school. This is good.

You know what else is good? The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Go see it.

More good stuff: I got to play hide-and-seek twice this week with two different sets of awesome kids. You know you're growing up when you can't find [fit in] good hiding places anymore. (I also got to watch Snow White and the old Rudolph claymation! Yes!)

How cute is this?

I watched It's a Wonderful Life tonight with my family. I still have mixed feelings about it. So much of the movie is oppressively sad, but I've finally decided that even the few happy moments at the end make the whole movie worth it.
"Strange, isn't it? Each man's life touches so many other lives."


  1. You lucky little something. I still have a whole week.

    Oooo, was it good? It looks swankyfied.

  2. I grew up on "It's a Wonderful Life," so it's filled with sweet memories for me. I'm about the only one left in the family that can overlook the bad theology, though, because I love the movie so much. ;)


Just do it. It will make my day.