(This is actually a picture of a picture on my phone. Ergo, the quality is terrible. Using the word 'ergo' in a sentence makes me feel intelligent. Ergo, that's why I'm using it.)
After six children and 25 years of marriage, my parents love each other more than ever.
Happy 25th Anniversary to some wonderful, favorite parents of mine!
This is the part where I tell you about my Christmas. Just like everybody else.
How original.
(This is assuming you actually care. If not, you can stop reading now.)
(Or now.)
(Now would be good.)
For those who do care, Christmas morning went something like this: My little brother was up and pacing the hallway at precisely 6:20 A.M. on Christmas day. Just waiting. He had to wait. He knew no one can go downstairs until at least 7:00 A.M. It's a rule. Always has been. Always will be. It's funny how that rule used to torture me and now I could go for a little more sleep on Christmas morning. Funny how things change.
But I woke up soon enough. Just to humor myself since I had heard so much talk about the chance of snow, I looked out my window.
I saw this:
Okay, okay. So it actually looked something more like this:
Which was a welcome sight on Christmas morning to a Mississippi girl!
My reaction went something along these lines: "A white Christmas! In Mississippi! It's a Christmas miracle! I think all my dreams just came true."
So, it was around six in the morning, I was tired and a tad bit delirious. But it was awesome! When I showed my sister the snow, she literally jumped up and down on the bed.
My sister's 22.
We all were pretty ecstatic and immediately turned this on, just to really characterize and dramatize the special moment.
This quickly became the theme song of Christmas 2010. (Except we didn't even have to dream!)
Christmas morning and a gimplse at the "Christmas Spider web."
Christmas afternoon/evening is usually a let-down. Every year, we have our Christmas dinner on Christmas eve and on Christmas day, after all of our morning activities, we have an annual brunch at our house with different families from around here. So afterward things are usually slow and boring. But this year, we ate chips and dip and some sandwiches and lounged around in our pj's watching Wives and Daughters. Good movie. Good time. I love my family. I love Christmastime.
(This is assuming you actually care. If not, you can stop reading now.)
(Or now.)
(Now would be good.)
For those who do care, Christmas morning went something like this: My little brother was up and pacing the hallway at precisely 6:20 A.M. on Christmas day. Just waiting. He had to wait. He knew no one can go downstairs until at least 7:00 A.M. It's a rule. Always has been. Always will be. It's funny how that rule used to torture me and now I could go for a little more sleep on Christmas morning. Funny how things change.
But I woke up soon enough. Just to humor myself since I had heard so much talk about the chance of snow, I looked out my window.
I saw this:
Okay, okay. So it actually looked something more like this:
Which was a welcome sight on Christmas morning to a Mississippi girl!
My reaction went something along these lines: "A white Christmas! In Mississippi! It's a Christmas miracle! I think all my dreams just came true."
So, it was around six in the morning, I was tired and a tad bit delirious. But it was awesome! When I showed my sister the snow, she literally jumped up and down on the bed.
My sister's 22.
We all were pretty ecstatic and immediately turned this on, just to really characterize and dramatize the special moment.
This quickly became the theme song of Christmas 2010. (Except we didn't even have to dream!)
Christmas morning and a gimplse at the "Christmas Spider web."
Christmas afternoon/evening is usually a let-down. Every year, we have our Christmas dinner on Christmas eve and on Christmas day, after all of our morning activities, we have an annual brunch at our house with different families from around here. So afterward things are usually slow and boring. But this year, we ate chips and dip and some sandwiches and lounged around in our pj's watching Wives and Daughters. Good movie. Good time. I love my family. I love Christmastime.
I think I can safely say this was the best Christmas ever.
Santa's been good to me.
I think it's a little strange I'm typing this on my phone. I think it's strange that I can really, truly, honestly say that I have the world at my fingertips.
Strange and really, really awesome.
Helloooo, iTouch 4. Where have you been all my life?
I hope everyone's had a lovely Christmas. I know I have.
Merry Christmas! (I believe it's still acceptable to say on the 26th, right?)
Strange and really, really awesome.
Helloooo, iTouch 4. Where have you been all my life?
I hope everyone's had a lovely Christmas. I know I have.
Merry Christmas! (I believe it's still acceptable to say on the 26th, right?)
Dear blank, please blank.
-Dear Taylor Swift,
If it is of any interest to you, Romeo and Juliet both kill themselves in the end.
Sincerely, Shakespeare.
-Dear World,
Sincerely, Ninjas.
-Dear Justin Bieber,
Ariel would really love her voice back.
Sincerely, King Triton.
-Dear Yahoo,
I've never heard anyone say, "I don't know, let's Yahoo! it..." just saying...
Sincerely, Google.
-Dear girls who have been dumped,
There are plenty of fish in the sea... Just kidding! They're all dead.
Sincerely, BP.
-Dear Facebook,
Just wait, one day they'll abandon you as well.
Sincerely, Myspace.
-Dear Noah,
We could have sworn you said the ark wasn't leaving till 5.
Sincerely, Unicorns.
-Dear World,
If you don't want us to take all of the jobs, start actually studying in school.
Sincerely, The Asians.
-Dear life,
Please get theme music.
Sincerely, my life would be so much more epic.
-Dear Glass of Water,
You are half-full of emptiness.
Sincerely, an Optimistic Pessimist.
Source: dearblankpleaseblank.com. But, I can't wholeheartedly recommend this website. So, I just picked out some good, wholesome, hilarious ones to share.
Christmas is coming.
Is anyone else amazed that Christmas is 4 days away?
Or that 2011 is just around the river bend? (Oh how I love Disney songs.)
This. Is. Strange.
But I'm excited about all that 2011 has in store. It should be a pretty eventful year. Which is always better than a boring year.
I've also been overwhelmed with all this first-rate and incredible music that I've recently (re)discovered. But. It's not Christmas music, so I feel ashamed to share it. So it'll have to wait 'till after Christmas!
Remember Christ and His rich mercy toward undeserving sinners - toward us! - and in this busy Christmas season, seek Him:
"'And in that day there shall be a Root of Jesse, who shall stand as a banner to the people; for the Gentiles shall seek Him, and His resting place shall be glorious.'
It shall come to pass in that day that the Lord shall set His hand again the second time to recover the remnant of His people who are left, from Assyria and Egypt, from Pathros and Cush, from Elam and Shinar, from Hamath and the islands of the sea. He will set up a banner for the nations, and will assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth." (Isaiah 11:10-12
Or that 2011 is just around the river bend? (Oh how I love Disney songs.)
This. Is. Strange.
But I'm excited about all that 2011 has in store. It should be a pretty eventful year. Which is always better than a boring year.
I've also been overwhelmed with all this first-rate and incredible music that I've recently (re)discovered. But. It's not Christmas music, so I feel ashamed to share it. So it'll have to wait 'till after Christmas!
Remember Christ and His rich mercy toward undeserving sinners - toward us! - and in this busy Christmas season, seek Him:
"'And in that day there shall be a Root of Jesse, who shall stand as a banner to the people; for the Gentiles shall seek Him, and His resting place shall be glorious.'
It shall come to pass in that day that the Lord shall set His hand again the second time to recover the remnant of His people who are left, from Assyria and Egypt, from Pathros and Cush, from Elam and Shinar, from Hamath and the islands of the sea. He will set up a banner for the nations, and will assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth." (Isaiah 11:10-12
And life goes by.
Hi, I'm Courtney. Remember the days when I actually wrote decent posts? Or maybe I'm just imagining this?
Life has been a little crazy over here. Tests, papers, midterms, babysitting jobs, applications, TeenPact staff prep, Bible study, etc.
But right now, I'm putting all that aside and writing. This time with thought.
I've just noticed that this blogging thing has all of the sudden become a trend with Tupelo girls. I'm not saying that like it's a bad thing, I think it's great. I just wonder what started it all? I don't know. There's something for you to ponder.
Here's another. Jamie's back home and Joseph will be here Thursday. It's been too long since we've all been together at home. This is yet another reason why I love Christmastime.
Tonight's sunset was absolutely beautiful. I actually had my camera this time. But a camera can't even really capture the vividness of the colors I saw in the sky. That pinkish color was actually a burning red. (By the way, photographers anywhere near the vicinity of a certain pick-up soccer game will be hit. Holy guacamole! It's like they were aiming for me.)
The lights on the tree and the stockings above the fireplace make studying cozy and bit more happy. (If that's even possible. Well, I guess it is. You can always get more happy - happier - when in a state of complete misery.)
On first glance: Oh, what a cute little nativity scene.
Now look again.
I just found out our Christmas break is about two weeks. I was counting on getting a lot done over this break. Why can't we have a whole month, please?
I've also been thinking about the best movie soundtracks of all time. (You know, really using my time wisely. Taking advantage of every moment.) Here's what I've got:
1. To Kill a Mockinbird Theme
2. Gone With the Wind - Tara's Theme
3. The Fellowship of the Ring - Concerning Hobbits
4. Pride and Prejudice - The Secret Life of Daydreams
5. Sense and Sensibility - Throw the Coins
6. Master and Commander - Bach's Prelude
I hate to leave it at six. What a random number. I'm sure I'm forgetting a lot. I want to hear your favorites. Name three. Or one. Or six. Whatever floats your boat, suits your fancy, creams your twinkie, toasts your bagel. . .yeah, I think you catch my drift.
Oh, that was me putting thought into a post (not only thought, but actually time, too). This is sad. Maybe I left my thoughts back with those tests. Now I'm not even making sense. Do I ever?
Life has been a little crazy over here. Tests, papers, midterms, babysitting jobs, applications, TeenPact staff prep, Bible study, etc.
But right now, I'm putting all that aside and writing. This time with thought.
I've just noticed that this blogging thing has all of the sudden become a trend with Tupelo girls. I'm not saying that like it's a bad thing, I think it's great. I just wonder what started it all? I don't know. There's something for you to ponder.
Here's another. Jamie's back home and Joseph will be here Thursday. It's been too long since we've all been together at home. This is yet another reason why I love Christmastime.
Tonight's sunset was absolutely beautiful. I actually had my camera this time. But a camera can't even really capture the vividness of the colors I saw in the sky. That pinkish color was actually a burning red. (By the way, photographers anywhere near the vicinity of a certain pick-up soccer game will be hit. Holy guacamole! It's like they were aiming for me.)
The lights on the tree and the stockings above the fireplace make studying cozy and bit more happy. (If that's even possible. Well, I guess it is. You can always get more happy - happier - when in a state of complete misery.)
On first glance: Oh, what a cute little nativity scene.
Now look again.
I just found out our Christmas break is about two weeks. I was counting on getting a lot done over this break. Why can't we have a whole month, please?
I've also been thinking about the best movie soundtracks of all time. (You know, really using my time wisely. Taking advantage of every moment.) Here's what I've got:
1. To Kill a Mockinbird Theme
2. Gone With the Wind - Tara's Theme
3. The Fellowship of the Ring - Concerning Hobbits
4. Pride and Prejudice - The Secret Life of Daydreams
5. Sense and Sensibility - Throw the Coins
6. Master and Commander - Bach's Prelude
I hate to leave it at six. What a random number. I'm sure I'm forgetting a lot. I want to hear your favorites. Name three. Or one. Or six. Whatever floats your boat, suits your fancy, creams your twinkie, toasts your bagel. . .yeah, I think you catch my drift.
Oh, that was me putting thought into a post (not only thought, but actually time, too). This is sad. Maybe I left my thoughts back with those tests. Now I'm not even making sense. Do I ever?
Every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings.
It still hasn't quite hit me yet that school is out for 2010. I guess it's because I still have "THE test" to take.
These past few weeks have been draining. Physically and mentally. It's over now. So, yay.
It's Christmas time and I'm (basically) out of school. This is good.
You know what else is good? The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Go see it.
More good stuff: I got to play hide-and-seek twice this week with two different sets of awesome kids. You know you're growing up when you can't find [fit in] good hiding places anymore. (I also got to watch Snow White and the old Rudolph claymation! Yes!)
How cute is this?
I watched It's a Wonderful Life tonight with my family. I still have mixed feelings about it. So much of the movie is oppressively sad, but I've finally decided that even the few happy moments at the end make the whole movie worth it.
"Strange, isn't it? Each man's life touches so many other lives."
These past few weeks have been draining. Physically and mentally. It's over now. So, yay.
It's Christmas time and I'm (basically) out of school. This is good.
You know what else is good? The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Go see it.
More good stuff: I got to play hide-and-seek twice this week with two different sets of awesome kids. You know you're growing up when you can't find [fit in] good hiding places anymore. (I also got to watch Snow White and the old Rudolph claymation! Yes!)
How cute is this?
I watched It's a Wonderful Life tonight with my family. I still have mixed feelings about it. So much of the movie is oppressively sad, but I've finally decided that even the few happy moments at the end make the whole movie worth it.
"Strange, isn't it? Each man's life touches so many other lives."
And He shall reign forever and ever.
This video pretty much made my day. How amazing.
Also, remember Pearl Harbor. Never forget the "day that will live in infamy." (El Pensador)
So. . .my thoughts on National No-Makeup day? She said it far better than I can.
Right now, I'm searching for cheap flights to Austin, Texas (and listening to Christmas music. Mulit-tasking, you know.) Let me tell you, there's no such thing as a cheap flight. Especially when you have to add food and boarding into the mix. Bummer.
I'm also thinkin' I really should give up Facebook until this semester is over, 'cause it's getting intense. It feels like we have a busload due on Friday. So why am I still here?
P.S. Mrs. Becker would probably have a cow if she knew that I just began a post, much less a sentence, with the word "so." But, this is not formal writing. Thank goodness. So (ha!) let's keep this as our secret.
Right now, I'm searching for cheap flights to Austin, Texas (and listening to Christmas music. Mulit-tasking, you know.) Let me tell you, there's no such thing as a cheap flight. Especially when you have to add food and boarding into the mix. Bummer.
I'm also thinkin' I really should give up Facebook until this semester is over, 'cause it's getting intense. It feels like we have a busload due on Friday. So why am I still here?
P.S. Mrs. Becker would probably have a cow if she knew that I just began a post, much less a sentence, with the word "so." But, this is not formal writing. Thank goodness. So (ha!) let's keep this as our secret.
Christmas happy.
I'm pretty excited. If you haven't already noticed.
Tell me about your favorite Christmas memory, or your favorite thing about Christmas time!
Give thanks.
So what if everyone posted their Thanksgiving posts on Thursday, and those punctual bloggers on Wednesday? Normally I'd probably apologize for being late and get on with it. But, I'm not. Anyway, Thanksgiving: We ought to stop and look around and give thanks for family, friends, home, so, so many things. I think of my wonderful church and the fellowship I can have there with other believers. A church where God is glorfied. I go to a "school" where I have the opportunity to learn so much from a Christian perspective. It seems crazy right now since tomorrow happens to be Monday and I happen to have a busload of homework, reading, and test prep to do, but I am thankful for the opportunity to learn. Not to be spoonfed a bunch of politically correct lies, but to learn truth, to delve deeply. I'm thankful for that. And most importantly, I'm thankful for the God who has loved sinners and sent His only Son to die for an ungrateful people. How can I not be grateful? How can I not love Him? Give all for Him?
No, it's not Thanksgiving day. That doesn't matter. Every day, every single day, we need to stop even in the midst of our busy days to just think of all our blessings and give thanks. Do you realize what has been given you? How much has been poured out? God has given us grace. Be thankful.
I'm also very thankful that it's Christmas time. I can listen to Christmas music without people hating on me. Yay!
No, it's not Thanksgiving day. That doesn't matter. Every day, every single day, we need to stop even in the midst of our busy days to just think of all our blessings and give thanks. Do you realize what has been given you? How much has been poured out? God has given us grace. Be thankful.
I'm also very thankful that it's Christmas time. I can listen to Christmas music without people hating on me. Yay!
Be still, my heart.
1. It's Thanksgiving week.
I don't have school. I get to see my family, play intense games of Risk, Cadillac, Ultimate frisbee, hike, sleep in, eat good food - and most importantly, Aunt Carla's cookies. I swear I have dreamed about those cookies. Once a year, my aunt makes about 250 delicious, addicting, sweet and chocolatey, Hershey kisses cookies. And once a year, those cookies are gone in about two days.
2. Crazy hair day:
A New Excelsior Tradition. Lots of fun. I got to wear pigtails wrapped in ribbons and bows of all different colors. I had fun. . .even if, yes, I happened to be the only high-schooler who participated. Well, I had fun. But really, come on, guys.
3. So Katie and I watched a special on William and Kate's engagement.
The weird part is, neither of us ever watch TV. The other weird part is, well, isn't it obvious?
4. The Excelsior Westward Ho party.
It was real. It was great. It was really great.
It was real. It was great. It was really great.
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My favorite, best friends: the Parson and the Bandit. |
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Cowboy-Dad |
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The Fam: Cowboys, Indians, and a Parson. I love them. |
5. I'm making lists like Ree, 'cause she's awesome.
Yes, we're on a first-name basis now.
6. Now I'm going to go watch a movie and clean my room
and pretend like I'm not missing out on an awesome game of Ultimate because I have no car. . .
Roden's and some rustic loveliness.
Cookie dough must be good for the soul (since it sure ain't for the body).
The local music store makes my heart happy. It smells of sheets of music I've yet to play and lovely, shiny, enchanting pianos with perfectly white and black keys just waiting to be handled. I would live there if I could. And if I had 20,000 for a baby grand. Which I don't. So that would be a no. . .
Also, I'm in love with this rustic wedding from OnceWed. I love all the wood, her gorgeous red hair, and the unique bridesmaid dresses. So warm and lovely.
The local music store makes my heart happy. It smells of sheets of music I've yet to play and lovely, shiny, enchanting pianos with perfectly white and black keys just waiting to be handled. I would live there if I could. And if I had 20,000 for a baby grand. Which I don't. So that would be a no. . .
Also, I'm in love with this rustic wedding from OnceWed. I love all the wood, her gorgeous red hair, and the unique bridesmaid dresses. So warm and lovely.

Portrait of a sunset.
I didn't have my camera, but I do have words.
As I lay upon my back, the grass as my pillow, the sky as my ceiling,
I saw a sunset
Not of passionate streaks of violent reds and burning oranges.
'Twas a quiet, wintry sunset of pale yellows,
Soft blues and violets, each blending
Hand in hand,
One with another,
Sweetly, gently singing a story of forgotten winter eves.
As I lay upon my back, the grass as my pillow, the sky as my ceiling,
I saw a sunset
Not of passionate streaks of violent reds and burning oranges.
'Twas a quiet, wintry sunset of pale yellows,
Soft blues and violets, each blending
Hand in hand,
One with another,
Sweetly, gently singing a story of forgotten winter eves.
Some random and completely unrelated thoughts.
I live next door to a U.S. Congressman. This makes me famous.
Toy Story 3. Watch and weep. For real.
Synecdohes are my favorite figures of speech.
I'm listenin' to my Christmas music. Thank you, Caroline, for the lovely vintage Christmas playlist. Who cares about the after Thanksgiving rule? Besides, they're already decorating with lights and trees all throughout the mall and outlet stores. . .and basically everywhere else. So, I know we haven't even had Thanksgiving but 1) who wants to decorate with turkeys and pioneer people? That doesn't make me want to buy anything. Sorry. 2) Christmas decor transforms ordinary shops into magical places. Makes you feel happy. And buy more - which is a brilliant marketing strategy, just not so great for us consumers. Well, the heck with the After Thanksgiving Rule. It's a free country.
As you may have already figured out, I kind of love messing around with this blog and changing little things a lot. Well, I just went through one of those phases today. Check out the pages! (Which would mean the 'home,' 'de moi,' etc. buttons, for you "technologically challenged" readers. ;) I also added links to some awesome blogs - check them out!
Why is it so cold? What happened to Fall?
I have to wear make up every day this week. Way too much effort.
You may have already, unlike me, jumped on the Pioneer Bandwagon, but if not, check out Confessions of a Pioneer Woman. She never fails to crack me up. The woman is hilarious. Now I'm gonna lose hours of my life flipping through page after page.
Toy Story 3. Watch and weep. For real.
Synecdohes are my favorite figures of speech.
I'm listenin' to my Christmas music. Thank you, Caroline, for the lovely vintage Christmas playlist. Who cares about the after Thanksgiving rule? Besides, they're already decorating with lights and trees all throughout the mall and outlet stores. . .and basically everywhere else. So, I know we haven't even had Thanksgiving but 1) who wants to decorate with turkeys and pioneer people? That doesn't make me want to buy anything. Sorry. 2) Christmas decor transforms ordinary shops into magical places. Makes you feel happy. And buy more - which is a brilliant marketing strategy, just not so great for us consumers. Well, the heck with the After Thanksgiving Rule. It's a free country.
As you may have already figured out, I kind of love messing around with this blog and changing little things a lot. Well, I just went through one of those phases today. Check out the pages! (Which would mean the 'home,' 'de moi,' etc. buttons, for you "technologically challenged" readers. ;) I also added links to some awesome blogs - check them out!
Why is it so cold? What happened to Fall?
I have to wear make up every day this week. Way too much effort.
You may have already, unlike me, jumped on the Pioneer Bandwagon, but if not, check out Confessions of a Pioneer Woman. She never fails to crack me up. The woman is hilarious. Now I'm gonna lose hours of my life flipping through page after page.
Dear November,
Thanks for a wonderful week at Katie's.
1. Katie's lovely home.
2. Chair-painting.
3. Drawing outside on the lawn.
4. My buddy, Isaiah posing in his sparkly purple hat.
You brought cold weather, golden trees, and fallen leaves. And you look so pretty and inviting. So I guess I can forgive you for swallowing up October.
Quoth the raven, "Nevermore."
On Saturday, Katie, Kelley, Jonathan, Savannah, and I took a road trip to Memphis to see Wicked! We listened to Wicked on the way up, had the "best meal on Beale," (or so they say), and walked down to the Orpheum to see the play! It was. . .well, wicked. Even better the second time. On the way home, we definitely would have listened to the soundtrack and re-hashed every detail of the play, had Savannah not convinced us it was "overkill."
When we drove back into the neighborhood (good ol' Woodside), I was delightfully reminded that it was Halloween Eve, given that there was a 7-car traffic jam, hay rides, golf carts draped in twinkly lights, more people than usual walking outdoors, oh yeah, and they were all dressed as cats, superheros, witches, movie characters, inanimate objects (personally, I think those are the funniest), etc. That kinda tipped me off. We pulled up to our house. The one with the lights off full of people pretending not to be home. Yeah, that one. We (and our whole street) happen to be the Scrooges of Halloween, you see. Trick-or-treaters just love us.
Well, in the back of the house (for the front was blacked out), we ate homemade pizza, sipped on hot cider, talked, laughed, ate ice cream, and talked some more. Afterward, Daddy and I read Poe by candlelight. It was delightful.
Dear Best Friend,
When did this happen? I guess it's strange to think of you as an "adult." Not really because you don't act like one, but because you've always been so mature. Mature, but not incapable of being silly and fun. (See picture.) :) Basically, you're just perfect the way you are. But now it's official. Eighteen years old.
When did this happen? I guess it's strange to think of you as an "adult." Not really because you don't act like one, but because you've always been so mature. Mature, but not incapable of being silly and fun. (See picture.) :) Basically, you're just perfect the way you are. But now it's official. Eighteen years old.
Dear Katie, I wish you the happiest of birthdays and the wonderful, comforting sweetness of God's Presence throughout your eighteenth year. May you draw ever nearer to our sweet Savior, Jesus Christ!
Happy birthday, Katie Larissa!
Needless to say, but still I must say it, for it cannot be said too often: I love you, sweet friend. So very much.
this picture makes me happy.
This girl is lovely. Hopefully I'll post more pictures soon, but this week and next I'll be busy campaigning/phone banking/doing whatever needs to be done for Senator Alan Nunnelee! And also doing homework and what-not. . .and seeing Wicked! So excited!
Eventually, I will post all the things I've been meaning to. Until then, I will be living life instead of blogging about it.
So. . .
I'm sitting here on the computer (obviously), staring at a blank page. So many things floating around just waiting to be captured, written, put into words. I want to write, but nothing comes. I'm starved for inspiration, for an idea. Usually it's quite the opposite, you see. I have an idea, but I'm too lazy to carry it to fruition.
So, yeah, if you haven't already, feel free to stop reading now.
Aaaand, if you're planning to shake things up, change your background, title, header, fonts, or like me, everything - then you better make sure you have loads of spare time on your hands. Yeah, quick and easy it is not.
But I believe it was well worth it. Fall, and especially October, makes my heart skip a beat. So why not use it as a theme on here? Hope it makes you as happy as it does me!
Aaaand, if you're planning to shake things up, change your background, title, header, fonts, or like me, everything - then you better make sure you have loads of spare time on your hands. Yeah, quick and easy it is not.
But I believe it was well worth it. Fall, and especially October, makes my heart skip a beat. So why not use it as a theme on here? Hope it makes you as happy as it does me!
He was gone. Her best friend.
Only the memories remained. She was 19, he was 21 when they first fell in love. He was in the army, she was a nurse. He was tall and dark and handsome, she had big, blue eyes full of hope and dreams that twinkled when she laughed. They were crazy about each other. They were married that year, and only grew happier with every passing day. Together, they had had three children, who grew, married, and had children of their own, who in turn, raised families of their own.
Together they had shared the happiest years of their lives. They had shared laughter and joys, tears and sorrows, trials and tribulations. They had seen so much, experienced so much.
They had grown old together.
They had grown old together.
Now, he was gone. After seventy sweet years of marital bliss, he had gone ahead of her. He was now somewhere between this world and the next, or perhaps his soul only slept until the coming of the Judge at the end of the age.
The room was cold. The white sunbeams glittered on the walls through the small crack in the shutters. The bed was made, the sheets pulled up. He would lie there no more. No longer would she see that sweet smile or hear his silvery laughter travel through the little white house. She would, she must, live out the rest of her days alone.
What would she do? How could she face this world without him who had so long been her comforter?
The shutters creaked as she pulled them open. She looked out through the dusty windowpane, out over the field and watched as the tall grass gently swayed in the October breeze. The world seemed empty now.
He was gone, yet still there. Through her tears, she smiled. There was still hope. He had gone ahead of her, but she could rejoice. For he was face to face with One far greater than he or she. Someone worth living for. Worth dying for. She would be happy.
She would wait.
"All that remains for me
Is but to love and sing,
And wait until the angels come
To bear me to the King."
"All that remains for me
Is but to love and sing,
And wait until the angels come
To bear me to the King."
This is kind of a must-see.
I just watched The Young Victoria. It's probably one of my new favorites! Good stuff. And it's available on 'watch instantly' on Netflix!
Rupert Friend is in it. Yeah, that name meant nothing to me five minutes ago, either. Until I looked him up and found out he's Wickham in the new Pride and Prejudice and co-star in this lovely film, as well! I know now why his face made me so curious as to who he was. I knew I had seen it before! Turns out, there was a reason. Who knew?
Why don't we appreciate good oldies anymore?
Like this.
Yeah, the list goes on.
It could go on longer, but maybe that will be another post for some other time.
P.S. If you disagree, then (you're wrong, but) just don't listen. It's as simple as that.
It's fun. . .when you're done.
So, this morning I woke up at the crack of dawn and prepared for half an hour of torture. In other words, I went to race at the Tallahatchie 5k this morning.
The hills were mountainous, my breath was short, my lungs achy, my feet sore, my calves burning. . .you get the picture. It wasn't pretty. My thoughts throughout? 'Another hill?' 'Why do I do this again?' 'This is a sick sport. I can't imagine anyone enjoying this, except maybe the mentally deranged?'
But end it finally did. I did experience some feeling of accomplishment. It feels good. When it's over. Now I can think I did that. I conquered those hills. Cheesy, yes. But comforting. (But of course, for the sake of avoiding public humiliation, my time will not be posted.) I trained for a week. So you have to understand that I wasn't expecting much. I'm okay with my time, it just was by no means impressive. I didn't place, let's put it that way. I didn't place but I got to see Jonathan awarded 3rd and Katie 1st in their age groups!! In honor of their super speed, they received shiny, white tiles. (Seriously, who was in charge of awards this year??) Exciting stuff, nonetheless.
After the race, we stayed for the festival, went to the coffee shop, and I did a little shopping with Bessies #1 and #2 in downtown New Albany. All in all, a fun day.
Monday. Yes, we all have those Mondays.
I don't have free time anymore. I have no life. Homework ate my life.
But I'm learning discipline. I'm learning things. Important Things. Like what really began that great era of Modernity, its 3 causes and effects, the many (many, many) philosophies of modernity, such as those of Voltaire and Descartes (some men who were really crazy in the head, pretty much). I'm learning to dig deeper, to analyze, and to fully understand the classical literature of the 19th & 20th centuries. I'm being taught math and the rhetoric of Aristotle, of the necessary skills of writing and English and the sciences. I'm learning about music and of the beauty of the art of the Impressionists, which we are learning identify and to copy. (My favorite would have to be Monet, by the way.)
Why am I complaining? I have no right to. This education of mine is a privilege, not a duty, it's not even a right. I think of women of the past who weren't well educated, who didn't have this opportunity that I have. I have this great gift of a good education. So why am I dragging my feet? Why am I complaining? I'm reading Jane Austen for school, for crying out loud! Why on earth would I complain about that?
"And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ." -Colossians 3:23-24
Whatever I do! Yes students, even school, even this busload of homework (that my mind is going back to. . .yet I'm sitting here typing away about it on Blogspot)! Even on Monday when I just don't feel up to jumping out of bed to scribble and scratch away on college-ruled notebook paper with my dull pencil. Even when I have to work at using my brain because sometimes it takes time to defrost after the weekend has done so well at freezing it solid. I am called to do it as unto the Lord. Students, we can go about doing this as unto HIM. Shouldn't we do so with a happy heart? A heart glad to serve Him? A heart so overwhelmed with the love and joy of Christ that doing even the hard tasks would become easy?
(And it might make things easier if I do something which requires thought over the weekend. I suppose pulling out some Sodoku or crossword puzzles wouldn't hurt. . .)
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